❣️ New product alert: Star map creations ❣️
Let us turn a beautiful moment of yours into a star map creation with a story. The star map creation can be made for any single moment or event in your life.
The story behind this creation:
On the 3rd of April Mayura received a facebook message from Jenusanth, living in Canada. If you look closely the time stamp stands for the different time zones and the coordinates stands tor their different locations (Canada & The Netherlands). We kind of knew each other before this date, but this message changed everything hereafter and that’s why we marked this as our beginning.
The photo used tor this creation was shot by @creativeclickz_by_pragashjp
#starmap #starmapgift #starmapposter #ourbeginning #tamilcouple #poster #frame #tamillove #tamilcouplegoals #longdistancerelationship #diy #creation #preshoot #gift #couplegift